A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity

I am privileged and blessed to say that one of my blog posts was chosen to be featured on the National Eating Disorder Information Centre of Canada's website (NEDIC). This is amazing - I will be a contributor to this blog on a regular basis (it's updated every 1-2 months, so still come here for my blogs!).Please go to http://www.nedic.ca/blog/ to see it!

NEDIC is an amazing resource for information about eating disorders. They really advocate for people with ED, and they do not favour just one way of treatment. Any way of getting better is good - and NEDIC supports people with ED. I have gained a lot of information from their website.

I can't believe that my writing is being featured online, in an organization that is known worldwide for its influences and advocacy for eating disorders. Having my blog pieces on NEDIC means that I am recognized, worldwide, as a writer. WOW. It is amazing to think that in April, I was dying in the hospital because of ED, thinking that I would not live to see another day. That my life was over. That ED had won. And now, here I am, writing for an organization that fights ED. I am part of this amazing team. I am an advocate. I am a writer. I am an ambassador. I am a survivor.

I feel so blessed to be offered this opportunity - the chance to be an international ambassador in the world of eating disorders. Truly, God is good. And a special thanks all of my wonderful readers who always support me. Keep on reading and commenting - I love you all! I would not have come this far without you - both in my recovery and in my advocacy for ED. God bless you all.

I cannot begin to count my blessings. For once, I feel that words cannot express how happy I am, how blessed I feel, and how wonderful all of you are.

I said it once, and I will say it yet again. My God is so gracious to me. And all of you are wonderful.

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