
Showing posts from August, 2021

When will the Pandemic end?

 It’s a question we all have right now: when will the pandemic end? Will COVID-19 ever finally leave us? And if it DOES end, will - and when?! - will life ever return ‘back to normal’? I don’t have the answers to these questions, and to be honest, no amount of scientific or mathematical predictions can ever get the answers 100% correct. This pandemic has changed so much about what we know about medicine, about life, about one another, etc. The pandemic has changed much of our routines , ranging from how and where we work, with whom and how we socialize, how we spend our money, our hobbies and habits, etc. For some, this has meant a shift in work location, a change in income, new decisions around career choices, variations in how we spend our free time, and more. For others, the pandemic has meant dealing with feelings of uncertainty, fatigue, stress, loneliness, and loss. Actually, many of us can resonate with at least one of those emotions in that sentence. The pandemic has certainly