
Showing posts from 2023

Lessons from children: Babbling

This is a continuation of the series on 'lessons from infants/children'. If you have not already ready the previous posts, please take a look here and here . When you first read the title of this post, you may be wondering how on earth adults are supposed to learn from infant 'babbling'. Have you heard an infant babble? It's a jumble of sounds that seem to be halfway between humming and speaking. It really is quite amusing when you watch a child babble - they do so without any fear of judgment, simply moving their mouths and enjoying the fact that sounds are emerging! First, let's briefly talk about the value in babbling. Infants babble before they are able to produce 'real' words and sentences. Babbling, hence. is a form of early communication. Apart from the fact that babies are learning to produce vocalizations, babbling also allows them to learn to make eye contact with others, hear changes in sounds, and see 'how communication' works in rea

Lessons from Children: Play!

 Continuing in the series around 'Lessons from Children', let's talk about the power and importance of 'play'.  What exactly IS play? When was the last time you allowed yourself to 'play'? Why is play important - or is it? (I suppose you can assume that if I am asking this question, it is important!) There is a great deal of literature on the importance of play. We will definitely have another post about technology and the pros/cons of this, but for this post, let's focus on the importance of taking time to 'play' and be 'a child' again.  What are some activities that you enjoy doing that involves 'playing'? Let's brainstorm a few; here are some ideas to get started! -arts and crafts (painting, colouring, drawing, doodling) -puzzles (jigsaw, number, etc) -sports -listening to a podcast -singing and dancing -fixing things for fun -cooking, baking -organizing a room or space -gardening and planting  -reading a story/book; writ

Lessons from infants: 'Taking it all in'

Have you ever watched a baby look around the room, or jump their attention from one adult to another?Have you ever noticed how little infants, as they become more aware of their surroundings, take delight in staring at things around the room? Their eyes scan the room and 'take everything in'. If you observe these little ones, you will notice how interested they are in their surroundings.  When was the last time you stopped to notice what is around you? We often say 'stop to smell the flowers' or 'take in the sunshine'. But do you actually DO this?  Young children are learning about their environments; our eyes take in our surroundings and transmit these messages to the brain, where visual processing occurs. Without getting too complicated, it is quite a complex and interconnected process! The miracle of vision is truly a blessing we all have. Stop for a moment and take a look around you. What's there? Is your room organized? What colour are the walls? How is

New Series: Lessons from children

 My nine-month old niece is an absolute joy - and a handful! In just nine months, I have learned so much from her... The amazing thing about watching and interacting with children as they grow is realizing that they literally come in to the world on a 'clean slate'. It's like a journal that has nothing written in it - who knows what will fill the pages?! Lessons from children can range from anything to how to keep trying, to the appreciation of language, to the simplicity of smiling at everyday things, etc. In these new few posts, I will be discussing the various lessons I have learned from my lovely niece. Although, to be fair - here is a shout-out to all my little patients who I see in clinic as well - you have all taught me so much about life too! Before the next post begins the series, I want us to reflect on a few things: 1) How often do you allow yourself to 'play'? When was the last time you grabbed a toy, a puzzle, or a piece of paper and let yourself enjoy

When it Rains...

I don't know about you, but rainy days are just NOT my favourite. I thrive on the sun - waking up to a sunny day makes me feel energized and 'ready'. When it is dark and rainy outside, the dampness gets to me. It feels gloomy, my joints get stiff, I have to wear a hood outside... AGH! Many people are similar. There is good evidence that sunshine has a positive effect on things like cognition, mood, memory, energy, sense of well-being, and more (see  this article  for just some information!). In some individuals with seasonal affective disorder (SAD), light in general has a strong impact on their mood.  The past few weeks in Ontario have been nothing short of .... 'interesting' in terms of weather. April was a relatively dry month, but May and June have been bringing us all sorts of surprises! It has a been a colder and wetter May and June since I can recall! I noticed myself - especially three weeks ago - feeling very frustrated with the rainy weather. After all, we

Valuing Virtual Healthcare

 The pandemic triggered an increased in 'virtual' everything - from meetings, to healthcare appointments, to gatherings, to art gallery viewings...  There are many benefits to this. During the pandemic, transitioning to virtual formats allowed us to stay connected to one another at a time when social distancing was critical for our communities. Although it was a huge learning curve, it also increased and encouraged many people to learn more about technology. People also may have been able to save money on gas when commuting, they connected to people far away, explored new activities online, were able to access their healthcare providers, etc. However, there were (and are!) many pitfalls to virtual formatting of 'life'. Not everyone has access to laptops, phones, stable internet connections, etc. Technology can also fail, and when it does, it can be incredibly frustrating. From a healthcare perspective, virtual care allowed doctors to treat patients when they were at ho

Happy Easter!

 Happy Easter to all those celebrating! Easter is about forgiveness, new beginnings, and hope. The joy of the Resurrection of Christ means that death no longer has victory over us. It's ever so easy to become distraught, hopeless, fatigued, and overwhelmed in our circumstances. It is easy to become exhausted and feel like there is no end in sight. But Easter changes that. Jesus died for you; you are loved by a God who gave up His life for you. In doing so, He defeated the power of evil over His children. You will have victory - not because of yourself, but because of Christ!  I pray that this Easter season fills you with peace, joy, and hope. I pray that the knowledge and confidence that God is alive - and that there is no power that can overcome you in Him - gives you strength. Happy Easter - Christ is Risen! Thank you, Lord, for dying for me, and for showing me how loved I am. Thank you for reassuring me that nothing can conquer me as long as I hold on to You!

Spring Cleaning

T his year in Ontario has felt like one long winter! From cold temperatures to bouts of heavy snow, I’m sure we’re all ready for spring to arrive!   You’ve likely heard of the concept of ‘spring cleaning’, whereby we’re supposedly to organize, clean, and refresh our lives in preparation for spring. The concept is actually helpful if you think about the tasks you can get done: getting the garden ready for planting flowers, putting away winter clothes and embracing, lighter ones, etc.  If you think more deeply about the concept of spring cleaning, however, you may find that there is actually a lot more that you can do to embrace the new season. Spring cleaning doesn’t only have to be about ‘seasonal changes’; it can also be about personal life changes. What are some goals that you want to make as the weather gets nicer? Perhaps you would benefit from taking a daily walk outside to clear your mind? What about your closet? Are there clothes that you no longer use and can donate to a goo

Happy Valentine's Day!

How do you define 'love'? It is a feeling, an action, a word...or all of them? The greatest example of love if Christ - He died so that you can have life - and life abundantly!  On the theme of 'love' because it is February (i.e. Valentine's Day is February 14) - t ake some time to let those around you know that you love them. Yes, saying I love you goes a long way... but the heart (haha!) of love lays in actions. How do you show love to those around you? How can you show those around you that you appreciate them, that you care for them, and that you will always be there for them? And remember - you are wonderfully and fearfully made, loved by a God who gave His life up for you. Never forget that you are made for a purpose - the Lord has His eyes on you at all times; oh, how He loves you! 

The Serenity Prayer

Don't you hate it when you feel like things are out of your control? As humans, we all - to some extent - have the need to feel that we can control certain aspects of our lives. Uncertainty leads us to feel anxious because we feel that we don't know what is going to happen next - and we feel helpless.  It is important to recall that not everything is out of our control. There are, in fact, many things that we can control, and many things that we can change. For example, in an argument with a partner, you may not be able to control how they feel at the moment. You cannot go back in time and take back the harsh words you said. However, you CAN control things now by apologizing. You can control things now by giving your partner space and asking how you can help make things right. Let's look at another situation: job loss. You cannot control the fact that you were laid off. You cannot control the sadness you feel because of this. However, you CAN control how much this impacts