Happy Easter!

 Happy Easter to all those celebrating!

Easter is about forgiveness, new beginnings, and hope. The joy of the Resurrection of Christ means that death no longer has victory over us.

It's ever so easy to become distraught, hopeless, fatigued, and overwhelmed in our circumstances. It is easy to become exhausted and feel like there is no end in sight.

But Easter changes that. Jesus died for you; you are loved by a God who gave up His life for you. In doing so, He defeated the power of evil over His children. You will have victory - not because of yourself, but because of Christ! 

I pray that this Easter season fills you with peace, joy, and hope. I pray that the knowledge and confidence that God is alive - and that there is no power that can overcome you in Him - gives you strength.

Happy Easter - Christ is Risen! Thank you, Lord, for dying for me, and for showing me how loved I am. Thank you for reassuring me that nothing can conquer me as long as I hold on to You!

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