Happy Mothers' Day!

Today is Mothers' Day! Happy Mothers' Day to all the moms, sisters, aunts, grandmas, cousins, etc all over the world! You deserve to be recognized everyday for your work, but today is a special day just for us to tell you how amazing and wonderful you all are!

This day is certainly important for me, because my mom is my best friend. She is everything to me. I want her to know how much she means to me - and how much I appreciate her. Mom, this is for you!

Last year on Mother's Day, I was dying in the ICU and could not breathe. I didn't even have enough breath to tell my mom, 'happy mothers' day'. And she didn't protest or complain. She stayed by my side and prayed, looking into my dull and tired eyes. She told me, 'don't worry, Marina. You will be okay. All I want for Mother's Day is for you to be alive and to come out of this healthy and well. That is the best and only gift I want'.

I cried because I couldn't give her a proper gift - one that she deserved. I promised in my heart that if God allowed me to live, I would make it up to my mother the next year. And God listened. He kept me alive for my mother, so that this year, she could have her gift. I'm alive with her. And thank God, today I can say...

Happy Mother's Day to the best mother in the whole world.

I love you so much mommy. You are my life. You gave me life twice: once when you gave birth to me, and again when you supported me last year during my illness. As a child, you provided me with everything I needed - food, clothes, love, advice, toys, knowledge, and more. As a young adult, you guide me in life and are a perfect example of what Christ intends us to be. Last year, you stayed by my side in the hospital and never left me. You prayed for me and gave me hope whenever I felt down. You wiped my tears, brushed my hair, fed me my food, helped me get dressed, and advocated for my care. You refused to believe that this illness would take away my life. You knew that I would live, and I did. Mommy, I am alive today because of your faith, perseverance, and care. May God bless you and fill you with His peace, love, strength, and joy. You deserve all the blessings in this world because YOU are a blessing to our family. God bless you and keep you for us, my adorable mama ♥

"A faithful woman is far more precious than jewels...she opens her mouth with wisdom...she watches over her home....she surpasses them all" (Proverbs 31:10, 25:30).

That is you, mom. You surpass them all! I love you so much.

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