Published! My weakness, His strength

Have you ever had one of those days when you feel like things cannot possibly get worse? No matter what you do, you don't feel strong enough to carry on. You start to wonder why on earth things are not getting easier or better.

My faith has always played a significant role in my life and upbringing. When I feel distressed, tired, weak, and hopeless, I know that I can turn to God for comfort. In times of despair and weakness, I need to stop and think: what - or who - am I relaying on? Our own strength is limited; we cannot do or accomplish things without Christ. When we can come to this realization, we see that perhaps we were focusing too much on ourselves, and that we lost sight of God. 

I am blessed that my writing on this topic has been published on Fr. Anthony's site. You can read the post here - and as always, please feel free to drop a comment there and let me know your thoughts on the topic, any experiences you may have had, etc.

Thank you to everyone for their amazing support and kindness. I am so blessed to have the support of all my friends, family, and readers (and of course, God!).

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