
Showing posts from June, 2014

Care of a patient with ED

I was inpatient once for my eating disorder...and...well, let's just say that it wasn't my favourite experience. Why? Was the problem in me? Was it the staff there? Or both? How do nurses and doctors care for patients with ED? There is a lot of evidence that is now focussing the relationship we have with patients with ED. When I say 'we', I mean healthcare providers. I am lucky because I got to see this from both ends: from being a patient, and now, as the nurse. I can tell you that one thing that I hated about inpatient (IP) was being treated like a baby or child. The staff made me feel like I was...inferior because I had an ED. I felt that despite being 18, I was not treated as such. In addition, I felt that no one there cared about me. Sure, the staff did their jobs. But in the end of the day. there is definitely room for improvement. What is interesting is that this advice can even go beyond how to treat someone with ED - it all comes down to understanding how we,

Bone Health

You have probably heard many different things about bones and how to keep them strong. Your parents likely told you to drink your milk, and your physician may have instructed you to take calcium, or vitamin D supplements. We all hear that bones need calcium and vit D to be strong...but why? Are supplements better? Is milk the only cure? How much do we need? (Please note: I am not in any position to give individual medical advice because I am not aware of your personal health and needs. Please contact your medical team for definitive advice that will be tailored to you! This blog is not a substitute for medical attention). First, let me give you some background information on bones. Structurally, they are made of calcium and phosphorus, with some magnesium. Two hormones control calcium levels in the body: PTH from the parathyroid glands, and calcitonin from the thyroid gland. This is not necessary to know, but I will include it here so that if you are interested, you can look for more

What does 'healthy' mean?

What does it mean to be healthy? To different people, health means many things. The most widely accepted or popular definition of health is that of the World Health Organization, which states that health is spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical - and not simply the absence of disease.  I like that definition, mainly because it sums up what I have learned to see health as. When I was sick, I didn't really care what health was. Was I underweight? Yes. But I felt good, didn't i? I was still religious. I was getting good grades. So, technically, I thought I was okay. Looking back now, I see that I wasn't. Health is more than just physical, but being physically healthy is important too. Unfortunately, society today has somewhat changed our perceptions of health. Sometimes, we don't even know what 'health' is - and why it's important. Take a look at commercials for diets or any product. Do they advertise health as important for happiness and success? No.

Published on NEDIC: Learning to 'love' food

I am again blessed to say that my work has been published - this time on NEDIC. The topic? Loving food. Well, at least, learning to 'accept' food as a normal part of everyday life. As someone who has been VERY (very. very, very) sick with an eating disorder, I can tell you first hand how terrible food seems to be with ED. Food becomes something to be feared, something to be despised for fear of weight gain. The desire to remain thin overpowers all feelings of hunger and any possible enjoyment of food. It is not that I wasn't hungry. I was. But I couldn't eat. Now, on the other side of the spectrum - as someone who is recovered - I can tell you that things are a lot different. But yet again, I have a tiny secret for you. I still do not LOVE food. I don't day dream about food, nor do I necessarily get excited when I am about to eat my favourite foods. But you know what? It doesn't matter whether or not I LOVE food.