'Do no harm': ED Prevention Strategies in Schools
From my own school experiences, there is much emphasis on healthy eating and controlling weight. I am sure you can think back to your own (or your children's, friends', etc.) school experiences and pinpoint a time when 'healthy eating' and weight was discussed. In my case, the focus on weight and eliminating 'junk' food led me to become more entrenched in the eating disorder. So, how do schools 'prevent' ED through their education programs? One article focussed on just that: http://www.ocoped.ca/PDF/ODea_2000.pdf . Not surprisingly, the authors found that programs that focussed on obesity were unsuccessful. This makes think when we think about it: if we are telling kids that they shouldn't enjoy chocolate because they will become obese, what does this say about being overweight? It makes children feel that being overweight is equal to being inferior, lazy, or sinful. Furthermore, it makes students feel nervous about food and their weight, openin