Lessons from children: Babbling
This is a continuation of the series on 'lessons from infants/children'. If you have not already ready the previous posts, please take a look here and here . When you first read the title of this post, you may be wondering how on earth adults are supposed to learn from infant 'babbling'. Have you heard an infant babble? It's a jumble of sounds that seem to be halfway between humming and speaking. It really is quite amusing when you watch a child babble - they do so without any fear of judgment, simply moving their mouths and enjoying the fact that sounds are emerging! First, let's briefly talk about the value in babbling. Infants babble before they are able to produce 'real' words and sentences. Babbling, hence. is a form of early communication. Apart from the fact that babies are learning to produce vocalizations, babbling also allows them to learn to make eye contact with others, hear changes in sounds, and see 'how communication' works in rea