The Serenity Prayer
Don't you hate it when you feel like things are out of your control? As humans, we all - to some extent - have the need to feel that we can control certain aspects of our lives. Uncertainty leads us to feel anxious because we feel that we don't know what is going to happen next - and we feel helpless. It is important to recall that not everything is out of our control. There are, in fact, many things that we can control, and many things that we can change. For example, in an argument with a partner, you may not be able to control how they feel at the moment. You cannot go back in time and take back the harsh words you said. However, you CAN control things now by apologizing. You can control things now by giving your partner space and asking how you can help make things right. Let's look at another situation: job loss. You cannot control the fact that you were laid off. You cannot control the sadness you feel because of this. However, you CAN control how much this impacts