
Showing posts from March, 2019

Breaking Habits Part Five: Coping Statements

Last time , we talked about self-compassion: learning to be kind to ourselves. It is truly difficult to do this all the time, especially when life gets frustrating. Being kind to ourselves means that we acknowledge that: 1) No one is perfect 2) Struggles and challenges - and even mistakes - do not define us 3) We are not valuable or loved because of our appearances or accomplishments. While looking 'good' and being successful are important, we are worthy regardless of these 4) Being gentle and kind to ourselves means understanding that we are enough. But it also means that we can always grow and improve As we practice compassion to ourselves, it is helpful to have some coping statements to keep us focused on our values, goals, and dreams. There are different coping statements you can repeat at various times in your life. You can even make your own! Now, let's be real: sometimes you can say a statement to yourself - and it won't 'make anything better'