
Showing posts from January, 2017

Prioritizing Tasks: What can we do?

A common 'New Year Resolution' that many people make is to try to get more organized. To prioritize what they need to do, and to get the most important things done first. But, this is no easy task. It can be really easy to think 'today, I'm going to get xxx done. Then yyy. Then zzz'. But we neglect the facts that 1) things take time to get done; 2) our attention spans don't always allow us to begin a task and complete it in the same time period; and 3) unexpected things can happen which may deter us from completing our 'to-do's'. So, what CAN we do to prioritize our tasks? Below are some simple tips: 1) Write it out! Making a list is actually one of the best ways to start getting organized. This helps you see what things you need to do, but also helps you gain a better perspective on how much you need  to get done. After making a list, it can become easier to move things around the list in terms of priority 2) Think: what needs to get