Cholesterol...and ED?
A typical work-up for any patient includes blood tests. A sample of blood can tell us a lot about the health of a patient, from electrolye levels to cholesterol. For ED patients, this can be very important because it can help us see what we need to do to help them. For example, low iron (typically from low meat or protein intake, as what happens in starvation) can cause anemia, so we might give the patient iron supplements. Similarly, we might see low calcium levels, along with a bone scan, and decide that the patient needs calcium supplements or vitamin D. We can also see their glucose levels and determine if their blood sugar is within the normal range. All of this sounds helpful, right? But what about when the blood tests come back normal? Is the patient 'fine'? Does that mean that the patient cannot possibly have ED, or is not 'sick enough'? NO. Something I always tell my patients and nursing peers is that medicine is simply ONE tool to help us help others - it ca