Published AGAIN! NEDIC: Body awareness

So far, my work has been published three times by Fr. Anthony, and approximately 10 times by NEDIC. Let's not forget about the conference I gave, as well as the two radio interviews! I'm amazed at how God has blessed me - and thank you to all those who read this blog, comment, and share with others. Without all your support, I would not have become so strong and open to sharing my story. God bless you all - your love and kindness mean so much to me, and I am blessed to have all of you!

This post on NEDIC is about body awareness - remember how I spoke before on how we need to learn to love and/or accept our bodies? This is the focus for this post on NEDIC.

As a sneak peak, just remember that our bodies do amazing things for us. Sadly, society teaches us that we should only like our bodies if we are a certain weight or body size. But society is WRONG! Think about your life without a functioning leg, arm, brain. heart, stomach, etc. It is simply too hard! This is because we NEED our bodies; thus, we need to keep them healthy and strong. With ED, this task can be even harder than in those without ED. But taking the time to appreciate your body, as well as pamper it in any way, allows us to understand just how much we depend on our healthy and strong bodies.

So, check it out! And remember: loving your body doesn't mean that you fit into what society says is beautiful or attractive - it means learning to accept your body for YOU!

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