Happy Thanksgiving! 2020
Happy Thanksgiving to all those celebrating today! It might look different this year because of COVID-19 and social distancing...however, it is a great time to reflect on what we are grateful for. The challenges and changes that the pandemic has brought upon us have been tough. But, they have also allowed us - me at least - to realize my blessings. Even during COVID-19, I still have God, the love and support of my family and friends, and my health. Some things are truly priceless. Like the assurance that I have a safe home to return to each night, enough food to keep me healthy, clothes to warm my body, faith to keep me hopeful, experiences that have made me wiser... The list goes on. This Thanksgiving, I pray that you take the time to notice the small - and big - blessings you have. This doesn't mean that you don't have the right to feel sad, confused, frustrated, or angry at how this time is different because of the pandemic. But being thankful and practicing gr