It is What it is - Practicing Acceptance (especially during COVID!)
We are still in the COVID-19 pandemic, and practicing social distancing. And this is tough on all of us. For some, it means working from home. For others, it means not working at all. This can be difficult financially, physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially. Looking at how this pandemic has been positive can be a really useful tool. But it can also be really hard. On one hand, look at how many opportunities this pandemic has opened for us to learn new things, spend time with God, work on ourselves, etc. On the other hand, we may be more tired, lonely, bored, and frustrated. So, instead of forcing yourself to focus on a positive OR the negative, focus on the now. What is happening now? We are in a pandemic and life is very, very different right now. How do you feel NOW? Practice this skill. Don’t think about what happened yesterday and how that made you feel. Don’t focus on your worries about what is happening tomorrow, and what you are fearful about.