
Showing posts from November, 2020

Striving for Excellence, Not Perfection - Part One: What is the difference?

This is Part One in a series on   Excellence vs. Perfection. It is one of my favourite topics, so please join me in this journey! Strive for Excellence, Not Perfection". Read that sentence over a few times. It is kind of confusing, isn't it? When I first heard this phrase, I struggled. What is the difference between the two? I mean, we have all heard 'practice makes perfect'. But then, we also hear 'no one is perfect'. So, what do we make of this? Let's talk about perfectionism for a bit. We get really hung up on the definition of perfectionism - when honestly, all of us have some component of perfectionistic tendencies. Some of us insist that our days follow strict routines, while others want tasks to be done a certain way. Some individuals suffer from moments or times when they need to engage in routines and gestures, otherwise they will endure severe distress (which can be a signal of obsessive-compulsive disorder - and this will NOT be discussed here)