When it Rains...
I don't know about you, but rainy days are just NOT my favourite. I thrive on the sun - waking up to a sunny day makes me feel energized and 'ready'. When it is dark and rainy outside, the dampness gets to me. It feels gloomy, my joints get stiff, I have to wear a hood outside... AGH! Many people are similar. There is good evidence that sunshine has a positive effect on things like cognition, mood, memory, energy, sense of well-being, and more (see this article for just some information!). In some individuals with seasonal affective disorder (SAD), light in general has a strong impact on their mood. The past few weeks in Ontario have been nothing short of .... 'interesting' in terms of weather. April was a relatively dry month, but May and June have been bringing us all sorts of surprises! It has a been a colder and wetter May and June since I can recall! I noticed myself - especially three weeks ago - feeling very frustrated with the rainy weather. After all, we