
Showing posts from February, 2020

Values-Based Living (VBL) Part Two: Why are your Values Important to You?

In part one of this series, we started by identifying our values - the things in life that are most important to us. In this post, we will dive deeper into exactly WHY we value the things we do. This might seem obvious. For example, I value health because it helps me live my life and accomplish my goals. Stop for a second and reread that sentence - health allows me to achieve my dreams. Just writing this out helped me realize that whenever things get crazy in life (as they often do), I need to keep health a priority. Because if I am not healthy, I cannot do anything in life. Therefore, because I value health, it would make sense that my actions, thoughts, and behaviours should be in keeping with those that promote health. This includes adequate sleep, nutrition, exercise, social time, spiritual connection, humour, hobbies, etc. Do you see what I mean? By reflecting on WHY our values are important to us - or why they are values in the first place (!), we can begin to consider how w