Merry Christmas!

CHRISTMAS! It is truly of my most favourite times of the year! I know that last Christmas, 2020, we were in the height on the pandemic. And while this year is better than the last, it may not be the 'same' as what we were used to Christmas looking like. Nonetheless, we have made it. The past two years have certainly taught me a lot about what is important to me. It has forced me - like others - to re-evaluate my priorities and pay attention to the blessings I have...which we so often take for granted or brush over. This Holiday Season, I urge you to take time to reflect on the past year - and think of your blessings. I recently started a new routine: each morning I wake up and reflect on 10 things I am grateful for. The catch, though, is that is has to be specific. For example, I might be thankful for having an especially nice sleep, or being in my warm bed on a cold night. I might be thankful that even though I have a long day, I am very thankful for having a career I enjoy. I...