Information Overload - turn it OFF!
Last time, we talked about the basics of how to know which website/news source you can trust. We reviewed some key questions that you should watch for when deciding what to believe or follow. Continuing in the series on 'Information Overload' - this post will discuss how to know when to 'call it quits' - or turn if OFF - when reading the news/social media or following stories/information. It is, of course, important to be informed. After all, if we did not hear the news or latest developments, how would we know what is happening in the world around us? How could we ensure that we are doing what has been 'proven' or 'found' to be important for our bodies, minds, health, populations, etc.? (within limits, of course. As an example, your body knows how much food it needs without the news telling you how much to eat. You know without science that washing your hands is important, etc). But there comes a time when we start to feel overwhelmed with the