
Showing posts from November, 2014

Recipe for Recovery: Now an Ebook!

I have some EGGciting (get it?!) news!   I'm so blessed to announce that my book, Recipe for Recovery, is now available for purchase as an ebook!   If you like to read on the go, prefer to use your phone or computer for reading, or own a Kobo or similar reading device, this is definitely for you!  Remember that educating yourself about ED is one of the best ways in which you can make a difference! Recipe for Recovery is also a great resource to have if you are working in the healthcare field and need to learn more about eating disorders. If you are suffering with ED, this book will help you overcome challenges and learn how to stay strong in recovery. If you are caring or supporting someone with ED, this book will help you understand what the person is going through, and how you can help. And don't forget: the boo

Watch me on TV: Using My Journey to Help Others!

Last month, I was called by Rawal TV's (an international TV channel) manager, who heard my story on CBC and saw my book. He told me that he was very interested in having me appear on one of the shows on Rawal TV called 'Our Canada, Our Home'. I was more than delighted to help out! This interview segment is about my struggle with ED, and why I decided to write my book (a special note of thanks to Namal, the lovely host of this show!). Many people hear about ED, but they don't quite know WHAT it is, why it is so deadly, and how to help someone with an eating disorder. There are also many questions around how to prevent EDs, how to provide support for those struggling, and how to speak with one's family and friends about EDs. When I was ill in the ICU, I thought I was going to die because of the ED. I was scared, tired, and hopeless. Even through recovery, I was frustrated. I never thought that I would ever see the day when I would be healthy and happy again. This

Published Again! Why Have Faith?

I'm very blessed to say that once again, my work has been published on Fr. Anthony's website. This post is about faith...and why it's important. What purpose does faith serve in our lives? Sometimes, circumstances in life become too difficult for us to handle. We feel overwhelmed, tired, and frustrated. We see no hope or end to our struggles. At these times, when nothing seems to be helpful, faith can carry us through. Trust in God and belief in His mercy is all we need. When you feel so down and alone, remember that God is there. When you feel that nothing in the world can help you, remember that God is Almighty. Please take some time to read this post and leave a comment here and at Fr. Anthony's website. Thank you all for your support. I can't tell you all how much your kind words, supportive thoughts, and prayers mean to me!

Emotions and ED behaviours

We all know that emotions are a natural part of everyday life. We are human, and we all have feelings! Sad, happy, scared, anxious, frustrated. excited, angry, etc...all of these are emotions that we may feel at one point or another. How do you express your emotions? Some people are verbal, telling others how they feel. Others keep their feelings to themselves, but you can 'see' their feelings based on how they are acting or appear. Now, we've all had days when we feel frustrated, angry, or sad. And sometimes, we want to tell others how we feel and 'let our feelings out'. However, sometimes, we feel so down or drained that we simply don't have the energy or motivation to speak to others about how our emotions. And that is okay. But what happens when we don't have ways in which we can cope with our emotions or experiences? Emotion regulation is a phrase used to denote how we handle our emotions. As mentioned, negative feelings can be dealt with in many