
Showing posts from June, 2020

Information Overload - Who and What to Trust?

We are in a state of information overload - we are surrounded by various sources, telling us a whole lot of stuff! Some of this information may be accurate, some of it might not, and some of it might be a mix of the two. Which leads us to the topic of this blog - and a series I hope to continue: WHAT DO YOU DO WHEN THERE IS TOO MUCH INFORMATION? do you know what and who to trust? Now more than ever - during COVID19 - there is a LOT of 'news' and 'research' or opinions being spread around. Turn of the radio or the TV - I can almost guarantee that there will be some sort of talk on COVID19. What is the right mask to wear? How do you socially distance? Which herbal treatment fights of the virus? How much water should you drink to stay well? And the list goes on and on... This is not something new to our society. There is a lot of information - whether accurate or not - surrounding us. But in a time of a pandemic - or something that breads uncertainty or novel