Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Best Christmas Quotes Famous One's

Well, the season is officially here and approaching quickly! Next week is Christmas!

I've been so caught up in school lately that I truly need a break. I need time away from all the hustle and bustle of studying, reading, memorizing, and critical-thinking. Don't get me wrong - I love what I study, and I wouldn't have it any other way. But there is no denying that this term has been super busy. To have some time off means that I can rejuvenate myself. I can relax for a week or so and not feel the need to study for an exam. I can finally finish the novel that I began reading last summer. I can catch up on some advocacy work that I've been doing. I can watch a couple of movies, go shopping, connect with friends, pamper myself, and more. In reality, there is probably much more that I want to do during this break than what I will actually get done. But, at least it is a break...and for that, I am SUPER thankful!

You know what's interesting? I've never been crazy about the gift-giving part of Christmas. I mean, I LOVE getting gifts and surprises. That is truly a fun experience. But it was never about the presents for me. And the same goes with the food. Although there is lots of great food during the holidays, this is just one part of the season as well.

So, why is Christmastime so wonderful? To me, it comes down to the feelings and emotions we have during this time. I love being able to spend time away from work and school in order to actually relax with loved one. To be able to have even just one day with my family - a day when we can spend time with each other and take a break - means a lot.

My Wishes For You ChristmasOne special thing about Christmas, to me, is that it allows me to reflect on the entire year. It marks the end of one year and the start of a new one. It marks a special time in my spiritual life when Christ is born - an event that signals how much God loves us. Jesus came down to earth and was born in a manger, even though He is a King. This has a message for us all: humility is important. Outer appearances and circumstances aren't nearly as important was what is in our hearts, actions, and words. This has a special significance during this season as well, because it prompts us to think of those who are less-fortunate than ourselves, and to share with them.

Regardless of whether you celebrate the spiritual side of Christmas or not, I hope that you enjoy this holiday season. I hope that you can take some time to relax, to spend time with loved ones, and to refresh your energy. I pray that you find comfort, hope, strength, and love from all the season has to offer. I hope that you have an opportunity to reflect on your year, to make goals for the new year, and to count your many blessings. I wish that we can all stay safe, happy, and healthy.

From the bottom of my heart, I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! It is a time that only comes once a year - so please cherish and enjoy every moment of it!

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