Blog Nominated!!!
WOW! I am so blessed. This is such a HUGE acheivement - I love writing on my blog and I feel tears many days as I read the love, support, and encouargment of all my wonderful readers and their comments.
I started this blog a little less than a year ago after experiencing a life-chaning experience from my illness - anorexia nervosa. I never thought that one day, it would be featured on international organizations such as FEAST amd NEDIC - and now it is nominated for an award!
I want to take this opportunity to thank EVERYONE who has helped me thus far. I am so thankful for my faith community and to my God who has been by my side always. I also need to thank my family members - the most loving people in my life. They brought me through the hardest times during my illness, and they keep supporting me throughout my recovery. And I cannot forget about my friends and everyone who reads this blog, comments, and reccomends it to others. Each of you is truly a blessing and I sincerely believe that I would not have made it this far without all of you. God bless each of you. Keep coming and reading this space, keep smiling and staying happy, and know how special and important you are.
Once again, THANK YOU. I am honoured and humbled that my blog has received this amount of recognition. WOW. To anyone suffering from ED or to anyone who feels sad, frustrated, hopeless, or angry (and we ALL feel this way sometimes!), this is proof that when you have a strong support network, hope, and faith, you can accomplish anything you want to. Last April (2012) I was in the ICU, dying because of anorexia. Today, March 2013, I am healthy, recovering from ED, my blog has helped many, and now my work nominated for an award.