AMAZING! Success!

I am so pleased to update you on the status of both my health and my blog. To start, I am maintaining my healthy weight and loving it! I look and feel beautiful (inside and out!) - and I am not affected by any talk of weight gain, food, or body sizes. I am eating enough and normally, and life is good! Recovery was the smartest thing I ever did - and the hardest. But as I am strong today, I can say that I am so pleased with my decision and commitment. What a huge accomplishment!

Now to my blog. I am overwhelmed and so proud to let you all know that my blog has been nominated for an award: Best Canadian Blog about Lifestyle, Health, and Inspiration/Advocacy ( What an amazing honour! I only started this blog about two years ago, and look at it now! I'm being nominated for awards and it is gaining so much attention! I have been doing radio interviews, which have become a huge hit, and I am constantly being asked to come back and do more interviews. Let's not forget as well the blog posts I write for NEDIC! In addition, my blog has readers from all over the world. After only a year and a bit, my blog has around 60, 000 views!

Also, my video on social media bullying was a HUGE success, and I got so much positive feedback on it. Everyone enjoyed the presentation and told me that they learned a lot from it. I was also recognized by the Police Committee in Brantford as being an activist for social justice! Furthermore, I have been invited by McMaster's School of Nursing to give presentations on mental health, community nursing, and more!

I am so amazed at how God has used all my experiences to help others, and He has made me stronger in the process. All of this would not be possible without the support of my family and friends, as well as those who read this blog. I am so thankful to all of you - for your love, kindness, and support. I am humbled by the amount of love you all show and the support that you provide. I am so much stronger and wiser now, and all of my experiences have made me the person who I am today. Because of all of you, God has blessed me and allowed me to become a stronger person and use my experiences to help all those around the world with mental health, healthy living, and more. I am so blessed!

THANK YOU to everyone! Can you believe how successful this blog has become? How far I have come? How this blog has made us all stronger and happier, wiser and more aware? What a blessing! May God continue to bless all of you, and may His love and peace continue to shower you all. I pray that this blog continues to touch and empower people, and that we all continue to learn and support one another! Look at this way: in 2011, I was dying in the ICU. Today, in 2013, I am healthy, strong, and wise. This blog has been nominated for awards, I have been doing interviews and presentations for Members of Parliament and more, I am a leading advocate for NEDIC, and my work has been published by so many organizations and people! Glory to God! SUCCESS!

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