My Book is Getting BIG Reviews!

I'm so blessed to say that not only is my book selling it is getting great reviews from some very influential people! See for one example!
Laura Collins is the founder of FEAST, an organization created to empower families to support loved ones and friends in overcoming an eating disorder. Laura has so kindly read my book and provided a generous and supportive review of it!

Mr. Brad Butt is a Member of Parliament. I was honoured to be able to meet with him a while ago in the summer to discuss eating disorders and how we can help the government of Canada support ED prevention and treatment. It was amazing to be able to sit with a government official to discuss how Canada can raise awareness about ED and mental health! What a way to use my journey and book to make a difference!

For all of you who have purchased and read my book, thank you so much. For those who haven't purchased a copy yet, you can odder one online and get it delivered right to your house! Please visit to get a copy and support my book,  myself, and the awareness of eating disorders and mental health! My book is helpful not only for those struggling with ED, but for anyone interested in reading about my personal experiences with anorexia (how I became sick when I was young, my journey in the ICU, and how I recovered afterwards). The book is also great for anyone who wants to learn more about ED or mental health in general - there are a lot of great tips and funny puns in there!

Lastly, thank you all for your support. Your care and love mean the world to me. I know I wouldn't have made it this far if it weren't for all of you. I am forever indebted to you all. And thank you, Lord, for giving me the courage and strength to recover, to share my story to the world, and to continue to advocate for others. It is amazing to see how our struggles truly do make us stronger and wiser.

"My grace is sufficient for you; My strength is made perfect in weakness" (1 Corinthians 12:9).

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