Happy Valentine's Day!

35 Bible Verses about Love - Bible Verse Images

Valentine's Day doesn't have to be about romantic relationships.

It is a day to celebrate love.

Celebrate the people in your life who love you just the way you are. The people who appreciate you and accept you, even when you are not cheerful or joyful.

Thank the people who support you, despite you having short-comings. Let these individuals know that you appreciate them.

Take time to give thanks for your coworkers who support you, for the friends who listen to you, and for the blessings God has given you.

Embrace that love is a beautiful thing - pure, unconditional love lasts forever. It doesn't judge. It doesn't give up. It doesn't know any limits.

Jesus is the purest example of love. He died for our sins, even though He was at no fault. And each day, He forgives and accepts us all over again. 

And love yourself. Love that even though you have imperfections, you are a child of God. You are loved, chosen, needed, and wonderfully and perfectly made.

Whoever is in your life this season - love them. Make sure you take time to let those special people in your life know that you are thankful for them, and that you appreciate their love.

To my readers, happy Valentine’s Day! And a special shout out to my dear parents and family who love me unconditionally, who have loved me back to life. Mom and dad and Nansy - you 3 are my LIFE. Thank you for loving me when I felt unlovable. Thank you for giving me a new outlook on life, one that is filled with love, hope, and joy. I love you all so much, and each day I thank God for surrounding me with individuals like you who show me how pure, enduring, unbreakable, and sacrificial love is. 

Life isn’t easy - but love conquers all. Love gives us hope and strength. Valentine’s Day is an opportunistic day to remind us to stop and feel the power of love. Love is what keeps us going on tough days. Love is what keeps us fighting when we are tired. May the love of our Lord Jesus and the love of others warm your heart today and always. Remember that you are so deeply loved - by others, and first and foremost - by Christ.  

“John 3:16” Valentine Craft Kit - Makes 12

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