It's my birthday!

Today marks my 27th birthday...and what a year it has been!
Birthday Prayers for Myself | Thank God for Another Birthday
This year, I can honestly say that I am the healthiest and happiest I have ever been.

The past year has been FULL of challenges, changes, and growths in my life. I started my first year of Family Medicine Residency. I found a therapist who was absolutely the best fit for me. I allowed myself to feel all my emotions, and to accept them. I challenged so many ED rules. I started taking more care of myself, my body, my mind, my emotions, and my faith. I reached out to friends and family for support.

I cried. I yelled. I laughed. I smiled. And best of all...

I made it. Today is a gift. Looking back on this past year, I can see how every experience I encountered led to my growth. It was all for the good. There were many days this past year when I felt exhausted because of work. Fatigued from my therapy homework. Saddened by the events taking place in the world. Frustrated by my emotions.

And, yet, I am proud. Proud because I felt fearful, and stayed strong. Because I tolerated distress. Because I challenged myself to keep fighting. Because I was there for my patients. Because I was there for my students. I strove to be the best daughter, doctor, daughter, friend, coworker, sister, and individual I could be.

I let go of habits that, while felt familiar, no longer served me. I let go of rules that the eating disorder still held onto. I challenged my thoughts, forcing myself to go through the discomfort, in order to come out stronger on the other side.

morgan harper nichols | TumblrIt was ever so painful. And tough. And uncomfortable.

And it was ever so worth it. 

Today, as I celebrate my 27th birthday, I am thankful for the strength that God gave - and continues to give - me. I am thankful for the wonderful, supportive people in my life who love me unconditionally - and who are always there for me. I am thankful for my patients, mentors, and students, who teach me new things each day. I am thankful for my therapist, who shows me compassion and challenges me at the same time.

I am thankful to MYSELF for refusing to give up. For knowing that recovery was possible and worth it. For pushing through the hardest times, hopeful that recovery and a life worth living would be attainable.

And it is. It truly is. 

'Life is tough, my darling, and so are you'.

Thank you, everyone, for being here for me. Know that whatever you are facing - it will pass. You can do hard things. You are not alone. Your future self will thank you for going through this tough time. Give yourself compassion. Take care of your body and mind - because you only have one life. Live according to your values. Be brave. Be bold. Be YOU.

Psalm 94:18-19 — Verse of the Day for 08/23/2018

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