Watch and read my latest interviews!

On top of that, I was chosen to be Valedictorian! (This is basically a position or title where you represent the graduating class, have high academic achievements, extensive extra-curricular involvements, etc. The Valedictorian delivers a speech during the ceremony that is meant to inspire others). You can watch my Valedictory address here!

You can also listen to my CHML Hamilton News radio interview, in which I talk more about my journey thus far, and provide some insight and education about eating disorders and recovery.
As I mentioned, I was also interviewed by Hamilton CHCH TV. The segment appeared on the 6pm and 11 pm news. You can watch the short clip here!
I am still amazed at the way things have turned out. I am extremely grateful to God for making me healthy and well, for giving me another chance to live, and for allowing me to use my experiences to raise awareness and hopefully help and inspire others. I am also beyond appreciative to my friends, family, community, and readers for all the support and love you all provide me with. I could not have come so far without you all...thank you. You all mean so much to me.

Once again, it is clear that every experiences and every obstacle has a purpose. We may not understand it at the time, but we will one day. Our struggles fill us with stamina, strength, and wisdom. They shape us into the people we are, they help us mature and develop, and they teach us valuable lessons. May you all find the strength to persevere despite hardships, the courage to stay optimistic during rough times, and the peace to remain calm when overwhelmed.
Never give up. Today may be a tough day. But tomorrow will be better. And never lose hope. We may lose everything else, but if we have hope, we can carry on regardless of our circumstances. Hope may not always change the circumstances, but it will change you in the circumstances.